Currently we have two bikes:
- A 1999 Honda Deauville in Black
- A 2008 BMW R1200GS in Silver and Black
Toys Trinkets and Modifications
Everyone I know tweaks, personalises and modifies there bikes in some way.
Since we got back into biking back in 1998 all of our bikes have been personalised; at least in some small way.
Honda NT700 Deauville – 14/01/2017
This Saturday we replaced the oldĀ Deauville with a newer model, this will be Caroline’s bike to commute with.
BMW R1200GS – 13/06/2008
Friday the Thirteenth, not a great do consider doing some work on the bike, so I did not, I got the garage to do it. With 652 miles on the clock, it was time for the 600 mile service. Just a general check and fluid change, so while it was in the shop I had some GS Adventure Cylinder Head Covers fitted. If the bike should go over on its side the engine bars should stop any damage but the cylinder head covers would help provide extra insurance. Most GS owners at some point have dropped their steeds!
The standard GS covers are black plastic, the GS Adventure covers are metal and were much more to my liking. So thats what I had fitted.

I collected the bike on the Friday night and she looked great. They had even cleaned her! Shame it rained on the way home, as you can see, I have not managed to clean her yet!
BMW R1200GS – 07/06/2008
One think that I did not like about the BMW R1100S was all the bugs and flys that got stuck into the oil cooler radiator. On the GS its even more exposed so I surfed the web and found what I needed. A nice shinny radiator grill from Nippy Norman’s. A few days later it arrived and on the Saturday morning after cleaning the radiator of all the dead bugs and flys I proceeded with the fitting.

As you can see a fine addition to the looks of the bike!

As with the BMW R1100S we added a number of options to the basic bike to turn her into what we wanted and needed.
Factory Options
- Trip Computer
- Heated Grips
- Engine Bars
- Hand Protectors
- Panniers
- Top Box
BMW R1100S

The basic bike while good required a few minor tweaks to make it a better all round sports tourer, so we added the following factory options.
Factory Options
- Heated Grips
- Cylinder Head Protectors
- Panniers
- 12 volt electrical socket
After a few weeks we went and bought a Baglux tank protector for it.
Honda Deauville

Our Honda Deauville, is very nearly standard, just minor mods like a 12 volt power socket for GPS/Bike to Bike Radio and electric vest in winter.
Heres a list of what we have done for those interested.
- 12 volt accessary socket
- Rear Luggage rack holding large Givi topbox
- Heated Grips
- Baglux, tank protector
Baglux tank protector makes it easy to carry a tank bag and I would buy one for every bike I had if I intended to to tour on it.
The heated grips were added in the middle of the first winter, after riding across the Lincolnshire Wolds one winters day, my hands had never been that cold, I had to keep stopping to warm them on the engine, the following day the heated grips were ordered!