Leica Firmware Updates

Fuji X100s

While I love the Fuji X100 range, I hate the Trans-X sensor and propriety RAW formats, though I have to admit that the sensor does produce nice Black & Whites; but the one thing I love about Fuji is their continued support of old cameras with continued firmware updates that increase the functionality and the life of their cameras.

Leica T 701

Now I know I have written a lot of Leica posts recently, but I have to apologies to my readers, that despite the start of this post talking about Fuji this is, as you can guess from the title another Leica post.

Today Leica announced a new firmware update for the Leica T, once that many T users will be glad to see.  The new 1.4 firmware update offers significantly faster focusing, X2 if the press release can be believed and a X3 increase in general responsiveness of the camera.

For the last three months there have been many rumours that Leica are ending the T camera and its TL mount, but in the last week we have seen new lens announced and now a new firmware which hopefully will address the few issues that T users have been having.

Also due soon is a firmware update for the range finder M range of cameras and the old Leica X2.  We had an update to the old M8 in the last year so its great to see companies like Leica and Fuji supporting their old models.

Water Nymph

There is also a rumour of at least two new Leica cameras being announced soon, a Leica X-U and the new M rangefinder.  Its the M I am interested in and I am likely to put my money down for either a M-P 240 or the new version if its significantly better as soon as its announced.  The rumoured X-U is a mystery, its either an X series camera with a built in EVF and if based on the current X 113 would make it the perfect compact and a great 35mm field of view version of the Leica Q, or an interchangeable lens version of the X capable of taking the TL and SL lens.

Fashion at the Drill Hall

Its going to be an interesting next twelve months.  We also have rumours of Nikon and Canon introducing their full frame versions of the mirrorless Leica SL, so that will be three professional full frame mirrorless EVF based cameras.  In many regards both Canon and Nikon have advantages over Leica, as its likely that the Nikon will use the F mounts and the Canon the EOS mount thus be fully compatible with their existing lens ranges, while Leica has to slowly build its SL system over the coming years.

Lets also not forget Olympus with their pro OM-D E-M1 and growing range of f/2.8 lens and the Fuji X-T1 and there should soon be a new X-Pro1 for those users who want a rangefinder styled body with autofocus.