Adobe Lightroom – integrating workflows

With Adobe Creative cloud we now have the ability to save certain work into the cloud together with our photoshop settings but for a photographer using Lightroom its still a bit of a pain working on multiple machines.

Lincoln 1940's Weekend-2

Often i’ll grab a few shots at lunchtime, upload onto my iPad and into Lightroom mobile.  These then get sync’ed into my main catalogue.  If I work on my main catalogue on my desktop machine in my office this all gets sync’ed between the desktop and iPad, but sometimes i’ll want to work a little bit more on a photograph but when I am away from the office.  I could use the iPad but that is limited, I could use the web version but again its a bit clunky, the best option is to export out the shot(s) into a separate Lightroom catalogue and save that into my cloud storage service (Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive etc).  Then I can grab my laptop and work on them, but then I loose the sync with my main catalogue and with the iPad until I import this single standalone catalogue back into my main catalogue.

Adobe need to implement a cloud based catalogue solution so I can grab any of my devices and decide to use the full app, mobile or web based editing and access my photographs.

Raining Lunchtimes

Stonebow Pamphlets - Leica M8 Summicron 35mm
Stonebow Pamphlets – Leica M8 Summicron 35mm

Even when its raining, when I head into town to my favourite coffee shop I still have my trusty Leica M4 or M8 over my shoulder.  Generally its my M8 as I find the conveniences of being able to grab by iPad and upload my shots into Lightroom Mobile very convenient compared to using film.

Hasselblad X1D-50c

As more information keeps coming through, it seems that the Hasselblad may in fact have some degree of weather sealing, making the choice between it and the Fuji’s new entrant a much harder choice.

With me being a Leica and a Hasselblad user, if I was going to invest into a new all digital medium format system then it would likely be one of those two.  I have several Hasselblad V series lens and I expect an adapter to come along shortly for them once the new X1D hits the streets.

The big advantage of the Fuji is SLR type handling and that lovely adjustable screen.

I have to admit I am terribly tempted and feel GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) coming on.

Give Blood

A bit of a treat for us today.  Lunch time I headed out to my favourite coffee shop to relax, read and of course drink lovely Hasbean coffee.

I left work early today to give Timmy an extra early teatime walk as we were headed up to the hospital as it was time to give blood, my sixty second donation.

When we got home we ordered a Chinese from the village next door which was promptly delivered by them in there nice new electric Nissan Leaf, nice car and with a 107 mile real world range perfect for local commuting and delivery duties.