Firmware Support – Leica M Updates

Leica M8 and Fuji XPro1Another set of Leica M rangefinder firmware updates were released recently, as well as fixes there were tweaks allowing one to switch off the live view button and disable the movie button etc.

Leica have been listening to their customers and changing a number of things about the camera.  One good thing about Leica is they tend to also release update to there old cameras, in this respect they are like another well respected company, Fuji.

Continuing to support your older cameras does encourage one to buy that brand again.

Adobe Creative Cloud Expiring

Photoshop Colour SettingsSince the last major update to Adobe Creative Cloud, when I launched Photoshop it warned me I only had a month left of use and could not contact the licensing server. It recommended I check my account details.

I logged into the Adobe website and checked my detail and everything looked fine, but each day I launched Photoshop I was faced with this message and a countdown telling me when Adobe Photoshop would shop working at the end of the month.

The fix turned out to be extremely easy. Log completely out if Creative Cloud then log back in. Now it works fine with no messages saying it’s about to run out.

Backing up your Lightroom Catalogue to the Cloud


I was reading Terry White’s Tech blog and his five tips for Lightroom users; one of his tips which was new to me, was keeping your Adobe Lightroom Catalogue in your Dropbox folder (or linked to Creative Cloud – or any of the other Internet storage solutions).

The idea of keeping my Lightroom catalogue in my Dropbox is a little scary to me, but I have been keeping a copy of my Lightroom catalogue, when I remember to update it.  Then I thought how about automating the copy to my dropbox folder.

Windows now has great tools like robocopy for intelligent syncing, copying and mirroring. For us Apple Mac users its even easier as with the OS being UNIX we have a whole toolbox of tools we can use.

I decided to use the tool rsync to mirror my Lightroom settings and catalogue to my Dropbox but then how should I automate it.  Well the easiest way is by using Automator.


First I selected a Run Shell Script action, and added my Rsync lines.  I then added another action to display a notification.


That way I get a notification when the copy has completed and the Dropbox sync starts.  I set the script to run on login so periodically I now get a backup automatically to the internet.

Waddington Air Show 2014

Battle of Britian Flight

This weekend was the Waddington Air show.  Its been many years since I have been, there always seems something else that I need to do, but luckily the last three places U have lived have been near the major flight paths so this has enabled me to grab the odd shot from home.

On Saturday the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight flew over, so on Sunday I made sure I was ready with my Nikon D200 and 70-200mm telephoto zoom.

The weather was somewhat overcast but I managed to get a shot of them.

Waddington Air ShowAs always the show ends with a display from the Red Arrows, this is a shot from back in 2009, its a bit of a cheats shot as it is actually a composite.  Once again the weather was not good, so I pasted the Red Arrows onto a background with better weather and once of them in the distance.


Tour de Yorkshire (France) – or back on the bicycle again

Well the Tour de France has come to the UK again, and this looks like the best tour yet for us.  Cycling was mainly for kids when the tour first came to the UK 40 years ago back in 1974.  A very few strange people cycled for holidays and some people commuted to work but the car was taking over.

Over the last ten years cycling has become incredibly popular in the UK and as a sport its something we are now world leaders in.

So where are we going with this.  Well it may come to a surprise to people who have known me for that last twenty years but once I was a very keen cyclist and would happily jump on my bicycle and do a seventy mile ride round some of Lincolnshire.

When I moved into my flat my bicycle was stored in my mothers shed for ten years and then at the old house it sat at the back of the garage for another ten years.

Me and Caroline did get the bikes out once and do a ten mile ride but with the garage full of motorcycles and garden tools it was always to much bother to get them out.

Now we have moved into the new bungalow with lots of room the bicycles are stored in the garage but are easy to get to, so with that in mind during the two week holiday we recently had, one of our tasks was to get them roadworthy again.

A bit of a strip down, degrease, grease then oil with a full clean, new lights, locks and mudguards, I have been gradually turing my old racer into more a sensible commuter.

We first did a quick five mile cycle round to the next village and back, just to make sure the bicycles were working well, then with a few tweaks, such as new mountain bike SPD peddles and cycling shoes we have been off.

Gradually working up to a gentle twenty five miles a week, usually with a quick ride on Monday and Friday nights, today with the Tour de France as our inspiration we went a little further a field and explored some of the further villages as well as the local Whisby Nature Park.

With my iPhone mount on the handlebars I had a cycling computer app installed tracking our route and facts about the journey.

A gentle afternoon cycling turned into a twenty one mile trip so with the fourteen miles done on Monday exploring a local disused railway line that has been turned into a cycle path leading to the city we managed thirty five miles this week.

Nothing compared to what the Tour de France guys did today and will do every day but a great start to getting us both fit again.

Adobe Lightroom Shortcuts

Last week I mentioned common keyboard shortcuts that I use with Adobe Photoshop, today I thought I would share some of the common keyboard shortcuts I use with Adobe Lightroom.

Open Catalogue…Command-Shift-O (for Command use Ctrl for Windows users)

Grid View…G

Loupe View…E



Show/Hide Toolbar…T

Show/Hide Side bars…Tab

Full Screen Preview…F (note this is new for Lightroom and caught me out)

Next Screen Mode…Shift-F (in older versions this was F)

Add to Quick Collection…B

Group into Stack…Command-G




Star Rating…1 or 2,3,4,5

Develop Mode…D

White Balance…W

Range Finder Lens Choice – why two of each

Leica M with EVF and R Series Adapter
Leica M with EVF and R Series Adapter

The majority of Leica rangefinder users tend to only own two modern new lens due to the high price of Leica glass, but many of us have a collection of older classic lens to complement our gear choice.

When choosing rangefinder lens it is very popular today to go for the fastest glass one can afford.  My two fast glass lens are my Leica 50mm Summilux (f/1.4) and my Leica 35mm Summicron (f/2), both the fastest 50mm and 35mm lens I can afford.

Having such light strong lens to quote the term used by Thorsten Overgaard, allows you to use selective depth of field and the lens control light very well, you can often shoot direct into sunlight without risk of flare.

The problem with them is of course price as already mentioned and size, while small compared to modern SLR autofocus lens they are large for rangefinder lens and they often intrude into the viewfinder causing framing issues.

So today more and more photographers are choosing two lens at each focal length, e.g. a 35mm at f/1.4 or f/2 and a smaller cheaper version at say f/2.8 or slower.  These lens are small, allow all the viewfinder to be seen and of course are much cheaper.

Open Garden’s

Many of our local villages have open gardens events.

With our current garden, it is well designed and well established from all the hardwork of the previous owners but we are starting to put are own stamp on it.

The great thing about open garden events is you can borrow ideas and many of the owners are always keen to offer advice.

gardens-2 gardens-3 gardens

The local villages around here had a wide variety of gardens from more traditional lawns, wild areas, roomed gardens and even one had a wild meadow at the bottom.

After our walk round we finished off with tea and cake at the church.