I remember waiting for the M10 release, immediately placing. my order and waiting patiently.

Now five years later with have the M11, and in so many ways its a better camera, easier to work with quickly, a quick access USB-C port in the bottom, better colour, dynamic range, stronger and lighter.
Many reasons to upgrade.

For my model shoots where I use the Leica M10, the new M11 makes a lot of sense, and a worthwhile upgrade.
But this is a niche use for me. I mainly use it for street photography and a carry everywhere camera when I do not want to have the size and weight of medium format or my SLR.

While the model shots above and this landscape would benefit from the upgrade, for a general purpose camera currently 24 Megapixels is easier to handle.

So for me I’ll be sticking with my M10 for now, while I spend the cash investing in a mirrorless studio solution.