This is less about web services and more about functionality that does not need web services but uses it anyway.
I have a large amount of video media, photographic tutorials, the family favourite movies and TV shows etc.
They are sat on an external hard drive and a copy in Dropbox. We use the Plex app to service these to the TV, and the AppleTV app to our computers and tablet devices; much easier then finding physical media.
It used to be simple, the app on the TV talked to my main computer that had the Plex server app on it and access to the media. Simple and it worked.
But like many companies they have now web offerings and offer other functionality. So now the TV app has to authenticate to their servers out there on the web before it will connect to my server and play my media.
This means now that if Plex have a service outage or my internet is not working I cannot play my media on my TV, very frustrating. Over the last few days we have seen major outages with AWS, Azure etc, causing many online services to fail. Not sure where Plex host there servers but they were out too. So no watching Plex for me last night.
Yes I get it that many people like the extra functionality but the basic stuff, streaming media from a drive in my home to my TV in my home all on the same network should still work!
At least I have coffee.