I was asked today about sensor cleaning, after a friend of mine spotted some spots on his landscape shots.
Its generally landscapes that spots become visible. I’ll have to blog about sensor cleaning in more detail when I have the time but here are a quick few tips.
How to test for sensor dust? Well set your camera to aperture priority, and set a aperture of about f/8 or greater, the more the better, f/22 or f/32 if your lens can stop down that much. Then at your base ISO or at least not too high, take a photography of a plain even toned subject. A bright blue sky is ideal. Then examine the result in some detail on your computer. The spots should be fairly obvious.
To do the easiest clean then I recommend a good blower such as a Giotto Rocket. With the camera switched off and the lens removed, turn the camera upside down and give the sensor a good blow with the blower. Don’t use canned air, and most certainly do not try blowing with your mouth.