Nikon Z 35mm f/1.2 S

It’s been a long wait but the latest Nikon Z S prime is finally out. We have the new 35mm to join the 50mm and the 85mm. We might want to include the 135mm f/1.8 S into this class as well.

We are now starting to see Nikon’s strategy in there prime lens selection. A f/1.8 S range top class, f/1.4 optically not as good but characterful, smaller and cheaper. Then the f/1.2’s no compromise lens.

I do not think as the 35mm focal length as a wide angle but a complementary portrait lens to the 50mm that we can use to show more of the environment.

Young woman sitting on the floor, one leg out stretched.  She is wearing a pretty short pink dress and is looking towards the camera.

Social Media for Photographers

The inside of a cafe, looking out the window at an old market square.  A person walking a dog is passing by.

At first we all used to have our own websites, then places like Facebook and Instagram came along, and drew us in.

Now with the algorithm dictating the terms, most sites promoting short form video in the hope of caching in on the TikTok trend, many promoting ideas that half of the population do not agree with; now many photographers are moving off these site that no longer seem to work for photographers. The question is where to go?

I have moved over to the Mastodon from Twitter a few years ago and recently started to post pictures to Pixelfed as well as Instagram. I have deleted my Facebook account, and am looking at getting rid of Instagram. As a photo sharing site it’s now pretty poor but I still find it useful to keep in contact with models.

Surprisingly one site from the past seems to be making a come back is Flickr I have recently started to post there again.

Doom strolling is certainly bad for us and being more selective with our social media can be nothing but good.

Cameras for work and cameras for pleasure

Blond model with thigh boots and jacket sitting on a park bench outside.

Its been interesting seeing the number of photographers with work and personal or ‘fun’ cameras.

Despite the trolls and fanboys all crying that ‘Canon/Nikon/Sony’ (delete your chosen hated brand) are the best, its interesting to see what’s in the bags of professional photographers.

While Canon 5D’s 1D’s, R1/3/5’s; Nikon D5, D850, Z9/8 and Sony A1/A9 are the main choices when working, its interesting so see what else they have packed away.

The top choice seems to be a Fuji X100 tucked away in the bag, small good quality, and so useful to photographers mixing flash and daylight with its leaf shutter. It also seems to be the internets favourite camera. I have come close to pulling the trigger on one myself.

Product photo of a Fuji X100

For those with the cash the Leica Q has been racing up the list; I know of one New York fashion photographer who is know for his wide-angle use has switched to the Q as his main camera.

Man in jeans and shirt, on the deck of a sea going ferry, looking out to sea.
Leica M8 sample – Sea voyage

What would you pick as a personal camera for when you put the pro cameras away?

Adobe Lightroom Preset

a screen print showing Lightroom presets, it shows a list for:

There are some settings I apply to every photo, one of these is copyright information. So beginning of each year I create some new default presets, This one Default2025 is for copyright information, I then have one for the main cameras so an M10 preset and a Z preset for example.

A bit of work at the start of each year, a new 2025 folder. structure and we are set for another year.

Leica SL3-S Released

This week we saw the release of the new S version of the Leica SL3. The S versions are often seen as a cheaper version of the SL but should be in fact considered a faster more video focused version. Once again we see Leica sticking with 24 megapixels. Like Nikon and the Z6 mark III, it seems to be a sweet spot in the performance stakes.

Topless redhead sat outdoors in an alcove.   She has a pink skirt and her arms cover her breasts.
Leica M10, 50mm Summilux and Ivory Flame modeling

I will not bore you with details but it looks a solid release, if your an SL shooter, wanting to get into SL glass, or just want to shoot M glass but do not like a range finder, the SL range of bodies have something for you.

Adobe Lightroom short cuts

I use Adobe as my main editor and I find myself using the shortcuts all the time together with presets I have created to do my editing.

Rather then review them here, if you want some quick shortcut tips have a look at Lightroom Kill Tips website and also Lightroom Queen.

If I have a problem that I cannot solve myself I find these two sites often better then Adobe’s to check first for a solution.

What to expect in 2025 – Photography

Causeway to holy island

Leica 24mm lens on a Leica M8 so 35mm field of view.

What do the camera manufacturers have planned for us in 2025. Real cameras are becoming a niche market. Everyone has a smart phone it seems and with computational photography producing an image with software more like what people want then what they actually photographed, real cameras are selling less and less.

Because of this to maintain profitability camera manufacturers are having to move up market. A basic Fuji will set you back £800 without a lens, the little Nikon Z30 £700 at current prices. Add to these a kit zoom your knocking on the door of £1000 to get started. That gets you a pretty good smartphone that can do it all, including editing and posting to social media. For those of us with traditional cameras, let’s not forget, a computer, tablet, storage, editing software is all needed. What we call real photography costs a lot of money. For those of you into good old film photography, the price now of film and developing is eye watering.

Now Canon have released the R1 I expect this tech to trickle down, they don’t want to be seem getting left behind.

Fuji have carved themselves a very successful corner of the market, they own DX format; with fairly lacklustre offerings in the lens departments from Canon and Nikon in this area. I expect this year, Fuji will be spending there efforts trying to fulfil the orders for the new X100. I was tempted myself.

I am waiting for Nikon’s 35mm f/1.2 S lens, though I already own a Nikor 35mm AIS lens, the 35mm f/1.8 S lens and the Leica M 1.4 35mm. It seems I just cannot get enough of fast 35mm lens.

My purchasing is likely to be limited to just one lens this year, and it will be either the 85mm f/1.2 S or the 135mm f/1.8 S Plena.

The question a lot of people are asking is what will Nikon do with the Z7 and the Z9. The Z6III out performs the Z7 but is a lower megapixel count, while the Z8 matches the megapixels and completely outguns the Z7 in every way. It may be worth Nikon dropping this model. Some have said make it a high megapixel slow studio or landscape camera, 70 – 80 MP. That would be an interesting choice but would make it a limited product. At those kind of megapixels defraction sets in at around f/7.6, going much more then 50MP then your likely better off going medium format and Fuji again show there winning strategy of splitting there cameras between DX and Medium format.

What to expect in 2025 – personal

Last year I did six major model shoots; for 2025, I will likely keep it to a low number again, likely four or six shoots. I have one in mind already, a location shoot in the Midlands likely in March or April when the daylight starts to get better. I want to improve my natural light location art nude.

Topless dark haired model kneeling before a copper bath, she has a white towel round her waist.

My local studio has now closed so will be looking at trying out a few new studios in the area.

Last year I did very little architecture or landscape work so will try and get some more done in these areas.