Last week we had lots of Adobe updates and along with the updates CC2014 was announced, so I promptly downloaded the new Photoshop and gave it a quick test from a studio shoot I did a couple of weeks ago.
I only used the features I am used to so did not notice any major changes yet but i’ll be giving it a better test later.
We also had Adobe Lightroom V5.5 and updates to Lightroom Mobile with is now being available for iPhone users.
The most annoying thing about the updates was that Adobe was over-hyping what turns out to be a very minor set of updates (for the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom anyway).
And (rhetorical question) why do I need a separate version of Photoshop called “Photoshop CC 2014” in addition to the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Photoshop CC that I already have?