Barton 1972 Braided Pitch Black Leather Strap

After purchasing my Leica M4, I wanted a quality camera strap to go with it.  I was torn between a wrist strap and a neck strap.  Finally I went for a neck strap, but I may get a wrist strap later.

Looking around on the internet, the prices ranged from expensive to ridiculous.  Did you know you can pay over £250 for a camera strap that has the Leica name on it!

I went for one of the cheaper straps I could find, still expensive but of very high quality.  Its mentioned on a number of review sites and seemed well liked.

It arrived and was quickly fitted to my Leica M4.  Its a quirky looking strap but very nice, and I think it looks great.  I’ll be giving it a good test of the next few weeks as I intend to put through a number of rolls of film through my new Leica learning its quirks and follies. Its going to be fun.

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