Its interesting how the negatives or in some cases positives can become amplified and grow on the internet.
The Nikon Series One was dismissed by most before anyone could review it. Too small a sensor, not worth considering. I also dismissed it but on trying it was actually very impressed. Image Quality is not up to DSLR standard but its better then most compacts and I decided to make one my compact camera.
The Fuji Range of X series cameras have garnered a fan base of people who like there traditional use of a optical viewfinder, traditional shutter speed dial and aperture dial. The X100 was a great little camera but its focus was hit and miss. Other X series cameras came such as the Fuji X Pro1 and many dismissed them because of there focus capability.
I really liked the concept of the X series, with its hybrid optical viewfinder and I remember reading an essay from Michael Riechmann about how he felt the Leica M should develop. Many feel that the Fuji X series is what the Leica M should become.
The Fuji is considered my many to be a poor mans Leica, but Fuji Glass is up there with the very best. The current Hasselblad Medium Format Glass is rebadged Fuji and they still make some of the best Large Format Glass available.
One should never judge a camera until one has tried it ones self. I really wanted like the X100 but found with my big hands, the aperture dial was a little difficult to use.
Well today in the office I managed to get my hands on and try the Fuji X Pro 1. The focus for a mirrorless camera is fine, but this was running the latest firmware.
Its one thing to admire Fuji for. Since the release of the X100 they have continued to support it and release new firmware improving it and overcoming its shortcomings. So while a camera may have limitations they have continued to listen and improve on it.
Most will say the Sony NEX-7 is a better camera and while this is true, the Fuji currently has better glass. Its the great strength of Leica that their glass is hard to beat, many will put up with lack of weather sealing, slow performance and manual focus on a Leica M, for the ability to use the hard to beat Leica glass.
Of the current mirror-less options, ignoring the Leica M range, the Fuji has the best optics money can buy; and being autofocus its considered a better option for most people.
After briefly testing the Fuji today I have to admit there is nothing to worry about with the focus. My only concern is the ability of none Fuji software to process the RAW files. See the CromasSoft website for more details.
For those worried about manual focus, it should be noted that up to today I have only produced one out of focus Leica picture.