Post date Blog Post Day 3 Monday 3rd December.
Today we were off for a walk, not a long one, just a five mile loop from the edge of Whitby, across the fields heading North.
Its actually a few miles to walk before you get to the start on the outskirts of Whitby, but then its through a farmers yard and across the fields. After a while you cut through another farmers yard (watch out for the sheep dog, he will want to lick you to death), and then down to the coast where you come to the old Whitby Lighthouse and Whitby Fog Horn.
From here you are on the Cleveland Way.
On the camera front I was travelling light. After yesterday’s excesses carrying the Large Format Ebony, lens and a Nikon V1 as well, my back needed a rest. So I just packed the Leica M8 and a Summicron 35mm f/2 lens.
Very different to the last time we undertook this walk it was 2009 and I carried a Nikon D200 DSLR and a wide angle zoom plus a telephoto zoom.
Having a 12-24mm and 70-200mm zooms give you a lot of flexibility, but its tiring to carry just as the Ebony Large Format Camera is.
Carrying the small Leica or the Nikon V1 is a breath of fresh air and the reason why mirror-less cameras are getting so popular.
With any camera system it is about shooting to it’s and your strengths, there is something strangely liberating about going out with just a single camera and lens. While it did mean I missed shots, the wildlife on the cliffs for one (Nikon D3s and 400mm f/2.8 anyone?) I feel I got some good images from the walk.