While on holiday in Ireland I only had the iPad available to me as my main computing device.
Each day I backed up my photographs and imported them into PhotoSmith so I could add metadata to them.

After my visit to National Trust Village of Kearney which was my first photographic trip of the holiday I backed up to the iPad as usual and then tried to import them into PhotoSmith, but all I got was blank images. I then tried my favourite iPad RAW processor, PhotoRaw. This had the same problem.
So I put the memory card somewhere safe and put in a fresh formatted one. For the rest of the holiday things were fine, so I suspected a faulty memory card. Once I got home I imported and synched everything up to my master Lightroom catalogue. My laptop had no trouble reading the first memory card.
So what was the issue, well it turns out there is a bug in iOS8 at the moment, which causes issues if you shoot RAW+JPG. It turns out by coincidence that the first days shoot was which the camera set to RAW+JPG, but the following days shooting was RAW only thus I did not have the problem.
Hopefully iOS8.1 will fix this issue.