I noticed from a Twitter feed that TV presenter, wildlife photographer and general all round wildlife geek, Chris Peckham, has been on the Isle of Man filming for this years Spring Watch.
While I have been getting better and better photographs with each visit to my local parks and nature reserves, sometimes only a trip to some exotic locations do you feel will enable you to capture that killer shot.
Trips to Africa or the far East are expensive, and as the BBC’s Spring Watch program shows not strictly necessary. Many of the remoter areas of the British Isles have simply stunning scenery and wildlife and can often be a viable destination for a long weekend.
Chris was enjoying the sunshine, Cormerants and Lampreys, and a chocolate cake, it was his birthday on the Isle of Man. A great location for a long weekend.
One thing you must always remember is, that unless your visiting a zoo, nowhere guarantees seeing wildlife. Enjoy the visit, if you see anything, wonderful; and if you get your photograph, then that’s the icing on the cake.
Today finds us in Uig, a small port village in the north of the Isle of Skye. The camera gear is all packed in cases safely stored in our hotel room for the night. While we were tucking into fresh Scottish Scallops in a local restaurant: as we looked out over the bay, we could see Heron Gull’s wheeling overhead, while in the rock pools, Oystercatchers fished, Hooded Crows kept a lookout for an easy meal and Pied Wagtails also took a meal from the rock pools.
A fantastic wildlife sight. A sure lesson to always keep a camera to hand, unfortunately an iPhone and Nikon D200 with a 12-24mm f/4 are not suitable tools for birds!
Still a wonderful memory to file away.