So the clocks have moved forward from GMT to BST here in the UK, that means as well as MotoGP starting, the British biking season has now started, so every bright sunny day from now on will see the roads crowded with bikers.
Over the next two months we will see more bike accidents and deaths then at anytime during the year. Unlike some of us who ride all year round most bikers hung up their leathers back in September/October so have not ridden in sometime, but many of them will jump on there bikes thinking they are Valentino Rossi, trying to ride flat-out.
If your a biker take it steady and respect other road users; and if you fancy really seeing what your bike can do, book a track day. If your a car driver lookout for bikers coming from anywhere and give them space, sometimes bikers are not as respectful to other road users as they should be.