Hi world.
Well, our first Blog entry. Normally we have the odd bike related entry on the Motorcyle page, the bits that are family related on the family etc. These are written in a simple text editor using html and ftp’ed up to our website.
Most people now are using Word Press, a far easier way to publish your thoughts, so this is a simple experiment, to see how it goes. I am going to keep updating the other pages but also add the odd thought or two here.
Let me also add this is not what I would call a real WordPress site, just the default blog option that uses WordPress, that my web hosting company gives users for free. Getting the mysql database up and running, and downloading the WordPress application and getting a real site up and running is the job for later this week.
As this moves from Development to Live and possibly back again, and I also repost some old favourites, it might prove a little hard to follow at first, but please bare with me. Any posts before this date have been moved from the old website.