We have not had a film Friday for a while, so I thought I would dig an old Leica M4 shot out to publish.
This was a couple of winters ago and myself and Chris was photographing the birds on a local frozen lake.
With the extreme (for Lincoln, UK) conditions I thought I would take a quick snapshot. I do love my Leica M’s for their carry everywhere convenience and as the M4 is purely mechanical its not that effected by the cold conditions.
For my SLR I had the battery grip fitted containing two batteries and a third battery being kept warm in my jacket pocket.
The smaller Micro Four Third bodies, Fuji X100, and if your willing to accept no view finder the Ricoh GR also make excellent carry everywhere cameras.
I wonder what I was shooting then, it looks like it’s a Canon (viewfinder eye-cup is a give away), I think I had my first EOS 5D Mark III (if this is January 2013).