If you have a big investment into Adobe Lightroom, its catalogue and backend database then moving is a difficult thing.
For image editing Lightroom and Capture One are now the big two, with a couple of others coming up quickly. I generally discount software from the camera companies, its at its best terrible and at its worse a crashing virus on your computer.
I keep reading good things about Capture One and as a PhaseOne medium format back owner I have a license, but I still just use Lightroom. Fuji users in particular are always singing the praises of Capture One as it took Adobe a long time to come to grips with the X-Trans Sensor that is in the X series DX crop bodies of Fuji cameras.
But I read an interesting article the other day on Photography Life and he points out that Capture One does not support none Phase medium format cameras; something I had not noticed. It certainly puts me of the product.
I am thinking hard at the moment about my future in 35mm full frame and large format, the Hasselblad may go back to just film use and I may trade in my 35mm Nikon gear and Phase One back for a more modern medium format solution that supports my studio and landscape needs. With Capture One only supporting PhaseOne on medium format, I will not be making it limit my camera choice, so Adobe have me for a while longer.