The Apple event has now passed, two things impressed me and neither were the watch, which I do like by the way.
The first was the announcement of ResearchKit, with it being open source I hope other phone manufacturers get in on this, it could have a major impact on human health. This is possibly of the most important Apple releases of recent years.
The new twelve inch Apple MacBook was also impressive, but I cannot decided if its for me. The rumours were true and it only has one USB-C, which means if I was to use it in office I would need additional dongles or a docking station to provide power, connect to my monitor, external storage and card readers. For a machine to use out in the field its ideal.
So what about the big announcement, the watch! Well I have to admit, I want one, being an iPhone 6Plus user, the watch is a useful addition when you want to check notifications or message someone quickly.
Unfortunately the price for anything other then the iPhone Sport is a little high. I have to think about it a little longer.