Artisan Camera Straps

Leica M8 and Fuji XPro1Most of the straps that come with cameras are basic to say the least.  I have bought straps for all my cameras.

OpTechMy DSLR’s are big and heavy, I generally only use them for professional jobs and wildlife.  For all three of my DSLR’s I use Optech straps.  These straps are easily detachable for when I use the cameras on a tripod, and with there broad nature make the camera easy to carry and feel lighter on your shoulder.

For my Medium Format and Large Format cameras then its a case of no strap required, tripod use only, but for my Leica’s I tend to look out for nice, stylish artisan straps.

My current favourite is the Barton leather strap which while stylish and good looking is a very good strap for a light camera.

I am also looking out for a good quality leather wrist strap.


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