I have shared this one before with you before as a photograph of the month, but I thought I would share a little more information about this shot.
Technically it is very simple, I think it was shot at 1/60 at about f/8 on a Leica M4 with a Leica 35mm Summicron. The film was Ilford HP5 Plus and was developed in Kodak X-Tol developer. Its been many years since I last had my own dark room so I now send out my films and have then developed and scanned for me.
I see a time in the future that I may have to go back to doing this again myself as less and less labs are around to deal with film, particularly Black & White and none 35mm film such as 120 and 5 x 4 film which I also shoot. Lets hope its a long time before that happens.
This is a local antiques shop near to the Bailgate in uphill Lincoln, I find it a interesting view point. So I setup opposite and waited for interesting people or interesting compositions to occur. Up hill Lincoln is a great area for photography and an area I return to about once a month.