I appreciate good service. This has been highlighted recently, with once again sterling service from WareHouse Express, and Hasbean Coffee.
Last week I had the displeasure of getting poor service from a local garage. An email to all the directors of the company did cause then to change their minds and accept my reasonable demands but its a shame when you have to twist arms to get the service that should be expected. I am certainly glad I am not treated that way from the Bike Garages I deal with.
This week I ordered a new heavy duty tripod head and was very pleased with the service. Placing the order last weekend to Really Right Stuff, in California, well before the week ended its here in my hand. Well done.
I am just waiting for my new tripod legs from Italy and I have a monster of a solution for when shooting from vehicles, in the studio and when on a ladder. Not a solution for everyone but I enjoy the perspective you get from shooting down on models.
As you can see, only a little height can add interest to a shot.