Just a few years ago there was one large sensor compact the Sigma DP, it was slow to use but had excellent image quality, and with each version it has gotten better. Now though it seems hardly a month goes by without another one coming a long.
Recently we have had the new king of compacts, the Sony RX1, a stunning full 35mm sensor’ed camera, and just the other month the new Nikon A with its DX sensor.
Well now we have the latest version of the Ricoh GR. At £600 compared to the Nikon at £999 its a bit of a bargain. Once again Nikon price themselves out of the market. I love my Nikon DSLR’s and they are very competitive, but on the Compact and System Compact ranges they keep over pricing themselves, as if they are scared of competing against their own SLR’s. When will they realise that DSLR users also want a good quality compact. I use the Nikon 1 system as my compact and to be honest that was over priced and with the heavy price drops that followed its release, I may not buy into the system any more.