I don’t have an Leica M10 yet but have been downloading lots of RAW files that various people have been posting. If you have been looking at Leica M10 images and think the skins tones look wrong then its because the person processing the images has not used Lightroom 2015.8. The Adobe profile built into this version of Lightroom fully supports the M10 and gives wonderful images with no work. If the skin tones are still wrong then its likely your using the old embedded profile which you can change in the calibration section in Lightroom’s develop module.
With the RAW’s that people have kindly posted I have been able to get in lots of practice processing the images. This has also given me the opportunity to develop my own presets and a personal default setting for the images when they are first imported.
The camera is proving to be very popular and I have no idea how many days or months it will be before I receive it. So until then I have the time to perfect my Lightroom workflow and decide on what accessaries I want.