This weekend I made one of my monthly visits to Lincoln Cathedral. I generally wonder round the uphill area of the Bailgate taking photographs and then go into the cathedral for a while.
Generally I take black and white photographs. A job that the Leica M8 excels at. This time I took two cameras, my Leica M4 loaded with Kodak Tri-X and my digital M8.
My outdoors street photography was all done with the M4, and as I have not quite finished the film yet, you will have to wait a while longer before seeing the results.
In the Cathedral itself, I switched to the Leica M8 so I could crank up the ISO some more. I was shooting the 24mm lens which on the M8 is an effective field of view of about 35mm. My 24mm is only f/3.8, so shooting film was not really an option, unless I was willing to push the film, but the rest of the roll had already been exposed at 400 ISO. One of the many advantages of digital is the ability to change the ISO from shot to shot.
For a change I have decided to post a colour shot. Despite it still being winter, we still had the odd moment of sun breaking through the clouds and the light through the stain glassed windows is always remarkable.
Below is a snap from a couple of years ago.