Compositing and Backgrounds



I always like where possible to get things right in camera.  The above shot was taken outside in the garden, the sun was a light source but I also used a Elinchrom flash head and large softbox on a C Stand, the flash was actually the main source and the daylight as fill, but often its just not possible to do this kind of thing as the location is not suitable.

It is in situations like this where compositing can be the answer.  You take a photo outside to use as a background and take the main photo in the studio.  You then combine the two using photoshop.

Below is a quick fantasy composite that is not intending to be realistic to show what I mean.Composit

The key to making a realistic composite is making the lighting match and shooting with the intention of making a composite.

Composit Candidate


The above shot would make a likely composite.  The plain background was due to a seamless infinity curve in the studio, would make it easy to select just the model and place it on a background.

For the backgrounds I have never had a lot of success but then I read some tips on Scott Kellby’s blog about shooting for backgrounds.

Check it out and have a go, I know I will.

Quality of Light

Autumn's LightYou can find a lot in books and on the web about the quality of light.  While good photography can be done in bright light and high sun the low sun in Spring and Autumn does give one more opportunities.  Now we are in Autumn a walk in a local grave yard revealed a bit low sun catching the top of the angel sculpture.  A simple shot made far better with the low directional sunlight.

Female Tufted Duck
Female Tufted Duck

This shot of a Tufted Duck would look dull without the low sun illuminated it from the front.

Thoughts before the WeddingIts also a technique that can be taken into the studio with this shot above used as good example, a softbox close up from the side with a little fill from a top hair light.

One should consider light for its direction and its colour, when using flash the source size is also an major consideration.


Autumn Leaves

Autumn's LeavesNow that Autumn is here I’ll be visiting the local parks most weekends, to capture the changing colours and falling leaves.

My first trip last weekend still had most of our local park in clothed in green but there is a hint of colour starting to appear.  I look forward to the coming months ahead and revisiting these areas, documenting how the light and colour changes.


Processing RAW Files under iOS7

If your an iPad user then currently the best option for processing your RAW files is PhotoRaw. With Apples update to iOS7 some developers have taken the opportunity to produce all new versions and have you pay again for the software.  Its nice to see PhotoRaw has been fully updated and is a free update again.

Thistle - PhotoRAW




Light is an interesting thing.  Low sun tends to produce more interesting photographs then high sun.

Lincoln University

The above shot is an exception, taken in the Summer, close to noon with high sun.

Spring and Autumn can often produce better light then the summer or winter.

Somebody mentioned to me that Autumn has now started I was quite surprised I was sure we had a few weeks yet of summer still to go.

So a quick web search was in order, when do the seasons change?

It turns out there are three ways of defining the seasons.  The UK Met Office define them by strict calendar dates; June, July and August is defined as summer.  The way I feel the seasons should be calculated is by using the Solstice and Equinoxes to define the season changes.  The last way of calculating the seasons is by using phenology, so when the leaves start to change colour autumn is starting.

For more information check out the following two sites; The UK Met Office &

Low End Fuji’s X Trans without the X Trans

fuji X-A1


The mirror-less Fuji X-E1 released recently was a slightly new direction for Fuji.  There are a number of defining features that one thinks of when you mention the Fuji X range.  First the X Trans sensor, then the hybrid optical/evf view finders.  Finally the transitional controls with real aperture rings.

The X-E1 had no view finder and also a new range of lens with no aperture ring.  Now we have a new low end model the X-A1, this is similar to X-E1 but without the X Trans sensor; so basically a Fuji X branded camera with none of the features that define a X series camera.

Its an odd direction for Fuji to take, basically this is the same as most other mirror-less options, it will be interesting how it takes off.  I would also like to know if it has the AA filter.  The big thing about the X Trans sensor was it did not need the AA filter so if this does not but has a bayer array then their marketing department is sending mixed signals.

iOS7 24 hours later

iOS 7 Well its now just over 24 hours since I updated to Apple’s latest and greatest iOS.  If you read the internet forums its either the greatest thing ever or the biggest disaster ever and Apple will go bust in days.

So far I like it, lots of improvements to functionality.  I do find it slightly less intuitive but one quickly finds ones way around.  The biggest issue is for me is the icons look a little odd and a bit like cartoon icons.  They may work better with the more colourful iPhone 5c.  Also so I am not sure I like the way folders take on the colours from the background it can look a little odd sometimes.

Overall I like it, and its a much improved OS.  In case you are wondering the photo above that I am currently using on my lock screen was taken last year in the studio.  A strongly lit background with no light on the model.  I had her repeatedly jump up in the air while I photographed her.  It was a fun shoot, quite a laugh for both of us but very tiring.  The pink gradient was added later in photoshop.


Camera’s ver Phones

Ricoh GRIf you check the stats on Flicker, you will see that the iPhone is the top camera.

Phones get a lot of criticism on the camera front, but if you compare them to most low end compacts they are pretty good, and as you tend to always have your phone with you its understandable why so many good pictures are taken with phones.

With the release this week of the iPhone and its improved camera and clever dual colour temperature flash you can see from this and from the recent Sony announcements on the phone front that phone camera manufactures seem to be thinking outside of the box and finding solutions to problems that camera manufactures have been unable to solve.

If your after a compact, apart from high end compacts or mirror less cameras its hard to recommend any that could do a better job then most camera phones today.


iPhone 5S, 5C and iOS 7

iphone 5sWell its going to be a busy week for Apple.  We have the release of the new hardware this week, basically tweaks and improvements to my current iPhone 5.

I am more interested in iOS 7, there are some significant user interface improvements that I am looking forward to, and I will be one of the first to upgrade all of the family Brown Apple devices to it on Wednesday when its released a couple of days before the new phone.

If your after more details about the new Phones and iOS 7 check out Apple’s website and also MacRumours, as well as some interest thoughts from Chris on his Blog; (i)Phone Update Part 1 & (i)Phone Update Part 2.