My photography breaks down into two main topics.
- Studio
- Landscape
My studio work is very planned. A studio is like a painters blank canvas. When I plan a studio shoot, there is so much to think about.
- Selecting the model, her shape, size, experience, colour of hair and eyes
- Clothes
- The poses
- The studio set, whether a plain back ground or coloured, or a more complex set
- Props
- and of course the lighting, some times just a single light and reflector, other times I have used up to seven flash heads to light a scene.
A studio shoot for me its the ultimate in photography. Everything can be pre-visualised and planned to the nth degree.

I would like to be able to say my landscape and architectural shoots are planned to the same degree but I am afraid not. Generally these type of shoots are taken on holidays, and I just happen upon these views and try to make the best of them.
This is something I would like to change, and the photography course I am booked on in December I hope will bring more planning and pre-visualisation to this part of my photography.

To this end tomorrow, subject of course to the British weather, i’ll be heading out to try and capture an Autumn scene. I have the image in my head, and with good planing, and of course local knowledge and the internet I hope to get the image I want.
So Saturday morning will see the chief photographer of RBPhotograpic heading out with his medium format camera gear and hoping to get the image in his head commited.
Equipment List
- Hasselblad 503CW Body
- Hasselblad 80mm f/2.8 Planar CFi
- Manfrotto 055 Tripod
- Sekonic L-758D Digital Master Light Meter
- Sekonic L 758 Light Meter
I may also take a digital compact, or my iPhone to snap a few reference shots to post tomorrow, to show you what I had in mind.
In case your wondering it involves, a lake, low winter sun, and lots of trees. Heres hoping for good weather.