I made one of my regular visits the other day to Hartsholme Park.
One of the locations at the park is the subject to one of my projects for the year.
This particular Project involves me shooting on my trusty Hasselblad using a film back, but while wandering round the park I took a number of quick snaps with my new Nikon V1.
These shots above have all been processed in the new Adobe Lightroom V4 Beta.
When shooting with a big heavy Large Format or a Medium Format Camera it is handy to have a good all-purpose small light camera. A big SLR is too heavy to carry along side a Medium or Large Format Camera, but my Nikon V1 I am finding is the perfect small camera to accompanying me, when I have my big high quality cameras with me.
My large cameras (with the exception of my SLR’s) are slow to use but produce extremely high quality images. A good companion camera camera must be small fast and responsive. In this way the Nikon V1 is a better camera then most other small cameras currently available.
Other small cameras may produce better quality images but few are faster and as responsive as the V1.
If I could only carry one camera and it had to be small then I would go for image quality above all, and the Nikon V1 would not be my first choice, something along the lines of the Leica M9, Fuji X1 Pro, or the Sony Nex7 would be a better choice.
How do they handle on the performance front, well with the exception of the Leica, I don’t know, I have not spent enough time with them, at the moment my Nikon V1 is my carry everywhere camera that I am more then happy with.
As a side note, it was the best visit I have made to the park for a long time. Lots of wildlife, I saw the usual Pigeons, Black Headed Gulls, Canada Geese and Greylag Geese. But much earlier then I expected there was also a Heron getting the nest ready, Coots, Tufted Ducks and Great Crested Grebes.
Also while framing a landscape shot a Grey Squirrel crept up behind me, I was very surprised to see him get so close.