There is a lot of comments recently about shooting raw or shooting jpeg. I am a great believer as I have mentioned before in getting it right in camera. But some of my images require post production to get the best out of them. I shoot RAW but sometimes I also shoot jpeg as well as RAW to give me a comparison.
In the link above is a good video looking at the alternatives to my point of view.

The above shot is a raw processed in Lightroom V5. I had also shot jpeg on the Nikon V1. The in camera jpeg looked great, I had tweaked the Black & White to mimic an orange filter which looked great. As soon as I took the raw photo into Adobe Lightroom the raw looked worse then the JPeg. It took some work to get it to look as good as the jpeg, but having the raw gives me more options.
RAW or JPeg? For me RAW, but sometimes JPeg as well to act as a guide.
If you prefer to shoot Jpeg and it does give some post production work flow advantages if the Jpeg is right and does not need editing; then I would advise shooting RAW and JPeg. Just so you have the RAW to fall back on.