Mum Brown’s birthday went well and we went out for an Indian meal in
her local town. Yummy.
Happy New Year to Everyone
A New Year and its going to be new start to my photography.
The last couple of years has seen me do very little photography. I used to shoot at lot of landscapes, architecture and studio work, I had even shot the odd model portfolio for a Peterborough model agency.
But for some reason the creative side of me lost interest in photography.
Luckily for me we have a few keen photographers here at work, and them together with inspiration from internet sites such as Luminous Landscape sparked my interest again.
I had always ignored digital, not as good, not real, and the cameras were slow and hard to use.
Last year showed me that digital cameras has started to come of age. I had the pleasure of shooting with Canon 1DII , and I also got to try the Nikon D70, both were a pleasure to shoot with.
I have decided that i’ll give digital a try and to that end I have purchased a basic Nikon digital compact, to get me started.
There is a lot to learn but the adventure starts next month.
Last day at work
Merry Christmas
Well today is the last day at work for us for a whole week!
Merry Christmas to Mum Brown and Aunty Ena and Uncle Mick hope you all have a good time down south.
Thanks to Alison, Declan and Ethan for inviting us to theirs for Christmas Day. Don’t worry we will remember the turkey, and of course thanks to Angela, Martin, Martyn and Hannah for allowing us all to decend on them for boxing day.
Heres wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas.
Miss HBS 2005 – Children in Need
To Celebrate Children in Need 2005
Our colleagues at work decided to hold a Miss World competition, unfortunately only the men entered!
Please donate all you can, but please do not go as far as these people!
Photograph by ‘Chris Bennett‘
College Award Ceremony
Tonight the Lincoln College held its 2005 student awards ceremony, to award those students who it believed had either over come great difficultly or performed way above that which was required.
Caroline, Richard and Alan, Caroline’s father, were all there at The Lawn in Lincoln, to see Caroline pick up her award for outstanding achievement in Part Time Higher Education in Computer studies.
Family Halloween Party
The Halloween Party at Ethan’s House was held on Friday, and fun was had by all. Everyone dressed up except for Alan and Richard, but Richard did win the Apple bobbin due to the fact he was the only one willing to put his whole face in the water!
Caroline had a nice surprise. There was a letter waiting from Lincoln College. She has won a outstanding achievement award in Computing! Another chance to get get dressed up and go to an awards ceremony.
Wedding update – More Pictures
Wedding Day
Well its happened! We’re finally Mr and Mrs Brown.
Everyone dreams of the perfect wedding, walking down the aisle, the perfect dress, feeling like a princess. Ours was as close to perfect as we could hope for.
We’re now off on our Honeymoon.
Until then heres some pictures our Best Man took with his phone, some of which he emailed all round our work friends!!!
Yes! Thanks Alison for all the Confetti!!!”
Can we also say a big thank you to all our family, friends and the Hotel and Photographer for making the day very special.
Especially to the two Angelas for the readings, the two Roberts for being our Witnesses and lastly to Paul for not revealing to much about us in his Best Man’s speech.
Caroline’s Graduation – Number 2
Not satisfied with one graduation; Caroline sponsored by Mouchel under took a second higher education qualification, this time a HNC in Computing.
“The last two years have seen much change in my life, many highs, of which Richard proposing to me, on the Wales biking tour has to be the most memorable, to terrible lows, the death of my Mother. Its been two years of fun, sadness and many late nights. I would here like to publicly thank my family and Richard for all they have had to put up with, and now with much shame here are the pictures… they may not stay up for long …
Thank you; Caroline”.
Congratulations Caroline
From Family and Friends
Cornwall Trip
Welcome to the Brown Family Blog:
I first started blogging on 24/10/2005. This was a simple hand written website called Since then the site has moved to and now to this new WordPress site *since 13/11/2010. See the computer category around that date for how we got this new site up and running.
I must thank the open source community for there efforts in producing such wonderful software as mysql and WordPress. And to my work colleague, fellow photographer and friend, Chris Bennett. He got a wonderful site up and running and this is a pale copy. Thanks Chris for the inspiration. And also thank your for getting my photography up and going again. It was Chris letting me use his Canon 1D that got me back into photography. Moving to digital and now back to film and digital.
The majority of blog entries on this site are Photography related, but with a bit of Family New and Motorcycling news thrown in that will not interest most people but may be of interest to family members.
This is the first entry from that site, now moved to this new WordPress site.
The Br0wn Family Web Site – Family
Cornwall Trip
Last updated 24/10/2005
Myself and Caroline have wanted to visit the Eden Project and Gardens of Heligan for sometime and Alan, Caroline’s father who had been before also wanted to visit again.
Most people would have visited in summer and Alan was somewhat surprised that we wanted to visit in January but we both had leave to use up so off we went.
We stopped at a nice bed and breakfast in St Austell’s and using the computer in the hall we checked with the BBC website’s for the weather forecast. We decided to go to the Eden Project first as the weather was suppose to be worse tomorrow, and the Eden Project is mainly undercover.
The grounds to the Eden Project are much better in the summer but the domes are well worth seeing no matter what the season.
We did not make the mistake my mum, Christine made when visiting. We took the land train to the first dome!
The picture to the left was taken in the temperate dome. They had a display all about the grape and wine with lots of sculptures. In fact there are sculptures all over the grounds.
The following day we visited the Gardens of Heligan. These were magnificent gardens and there is plenty to explore, if you have children then don’t forget to try and find the face in the wood! If you get the chance do read the book, all about how the garden was discovered, and restored.