Nikon D200
Nikkor 105mm f/2.8
105mm, 1/80 Sec at f/8, ISO1000
Processed in Adobe Lightroom V3.6
On a Mac MacBook Pro, OS-X 10.7.3
With the Spring weather the Crocus and the Daffodils were coming up in the garden. As soon as I had a spare minute I popped outside with my Nikon D200 SLR and the Nikon Macro Flash Kit.
I grabbed a quick couple of shots before the wind drove me back indoors, it was just too windy to accomplish the critical focus that macro photography requires. Once back in and with the shots safely on the computer I soon spotted my silly error. The day before I had been shooting in some difficult and dull conditions, and I had left my ISO set to ISO1000, when for a shot like this with flash I could easily have gotten away with the base ISO.
After a shoot, its always a good idea to reset your camera back to your standard settings. A lesson I should have learn’t many years ago.